I packed my brand new TV and sold it on Jan 1st, 2020 in Fb marketplace, must say that’s one of the best places to sell (no this article is not sponsored by Facebook 😆) Let’s go back in time and find out why I made this decision. It is not a very dramatic story if you are expecting one, letting you know before I lead you on, just saying 😛.

In 2019 I rented a single BHK, a whole apartment to myself! I was too excited at the prospect of not sharing my apartment with a roommate. I envisioned that I would have many people over at my house, I would throw parties and have fun with friends! yes, I did accomplish that and weirdly I also wanted a TV to fulfill this dream. At first, I got a 45’ tv, I did not enjoy the viewing experience, so I went and got 55’ TV from Walmart. For the first few weeks I was marveling at my 4K ultra HD screen. I started watching more of planet earth documentaries just to admire the screen quality of my TV 😆.I would say this was the honeymoon period of my TV viewing experience.

I don’t when it happened but soon I was hooked to my TV. I would come from work, sit on my couch, my hands would reach to the TV remote and within no time I would be scrolling Netflix and Prime, hunting for some series to watch. Soon I’d start binging series (kudos to the screen editor, and writers, they have reached an epitome of when to cut an episode so that we are hooked and cannot resist watching another one). This happened several times. Binge. Regret. Repeat. I never felt good about it but still managed to get into the loop. Somehow that year I managed to listen to few audiobooks and one of them particularly helped me a lot! It is called “Make Time - How to focus on what matters everyday” written by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky. It is about how we get sucked in an infinite world of entertainment and few tips on how to make time for what really matters in our lives. In one of their chapters they talk about television. They say that TV has become such an integral part of our lives that, we build everything around it. They suggested keeping a TV in a corner so it is not our primary focus, I knew that suggestion wouldn’t help me. Another suggestion was to treat it as a sometime treat and this idea appealed to me. So that meant I could selectively watch shows I really like. I did not take a vow that I would never watch shows at all. I would not want to miss the money heist or pushpavali! It is just that now it is more intentional. I watch it because I want to and I do not regret it.

My living space is more spacious now, I have books and plants instead of TV. I have started talking more to people, baking new recipes, reading books, going out and exploring new things like learning Tennis, Barista class, juggling, etc.

Do I miss TV? absolutely not! Did I have TV withdrawal symptoms? Nope! (just for 2 mins while packing off my TV maybe). If there are some must-watch movies, I go to theatres for a better viewing experience. The latest I watched before the quarantine was the “Parasite” movie (I highly recommend it!). During covid19 times, my screen viewing time has definitely increased compared to before but it is still at manageable levels 😃. Selling off TV was one of my best decisions.

I hope you all are safe out there during these unprecedented times, sending lots of love to y’all! See you in the next article!