I have never done gardening in my life. The Earliest memory I have was my grandpa taking care of mango, coconut, jasmine trees and some essentials like ‘tulsi plant’, I would watch him water diligently and fertilize them. Due to the rebel in me I never took myself gardening seriously, it was more like another chore.

It wasn’t until I moved to a new apartment which has 3 long windows in the living space with lots of light. Nothing could justice than plants occupying that sundance party room every morning. Like everybody else I started researching about the house plants in youtube and soon started identifying common indoor plants in office, restaurants, outside apartment complex …you get it!

I was very scared to make a first plant purchase, maybe because I thought I would kill it with kindness. So I played very safe and got Aloe Vera, I read that this succulent is a hardy and very hard to kill. Once I built my confidence, then I did not hesitate to buy other plants. I would go plant crazy in the nurseries and had to stop myself. I started my weekend religious visits to the nurseries. Very soon I had a favorite Nursery and nearby home depot where I would buy pots, fertilizers and tools.

While buying plants I always had a place in my mind, check how much sunlight it receives and start building a list of plants that satisfy the conditions. It is true that you will never regret buying a plant, It only brings so much joy. Currently I have a palm plant, cane mass, rubber plant, Boston fern, Aloe Vera, dessert succulent plant, Peace lily, Dracena and Pothos. I love each one of them! I would talk to my plants while watering them. I got white fairy lights from IKEA, I put them around my plants, it is the best place in my house. I never get tired of admiring my plant’s area! I never get tired of saying ‘how beautiful it looks’ and it truly and surely brings so much peace to the small space I live in.

Since I was a rookie in plant care, I would initially freak out when I see the leaves turning brown or flowers withering. I soon realized it is part of nature and it is okay. I need to take care of them nicely and they will respond well. The best moments are when I see new leaves, baby shoots and see the plant grow! I feel like a plant mommy. If you were planning for very long to set up a plant area, please do not hesitate, take a leap, trust me, you won’t regret it. There is plenty of information on the net to take care of plants. You will only have joy and green peace in your home.