A warm cup of ginger tea makes my day! I love and cherish a well made tea. My early memory of tasting tea goes back when I was staying with my grandma in high school. My granny used to love making tea and my grandpa never used to drink any beverage other than warm cup of milk with cream and sugar. I guess I have inherited tea loving genes from my Grandma. It was not until few years that I actually developed my love for it. Over the years I have perfected this recipe and this recipe is a guaranteed hit….you’re welcome !

step 1

First step is to know how much tea you want to make. Here I am going to make tea for two. You can use the cup in which you will be having tea as measuring cup. This is my favourite tea cup and I will be using this as my measuring cup.

step 2

Next we pour two cups of water in the tea pan. 2 cups of water = ~2 cups of tea.

step 3

Next, grate ginger. I am using about 1 inch of leftover ginger from previous cooking

step 4

This is the size of ginger after grating. I stopped grating after I was at the risk of grating my fingers :D (Note: be generous in adding ginger, too less you won’t get the flavor and too much it overpowers everything)

step 5

Grated ginger in water.

step 6

Let ginger water boil until it is reduced to 1 cup of water. It takes roughly 10-15 mins of medium flame (boil in high flame if you are impatient like me).

step 7

Boil it until it is reduced to one cup like this. You will see change in colour

step 8

Add 2.5 spoons of tea power. I am using “Red label Natural care”, it has some dried herbs already in it. It can be bought from amazon or indian store nearby.

step 9

I am using 1-2 spoons of brown cane sugar. I like to add sugar to just enought to balance the ginger flavor, this may vary from person to person.

step 10

let it simmer for 2-3 mins (caution: It should not be boiling like shown in the pic)

step 11

Now, it is the time to add milk. Add 1/2 cup of whole milk. The type of milk makes a difference. If you are using 2% fat milk, you can reduce water to 3/4th a cup to 1 cup in step 2.

step 12

This is the colour we want to achieve. So in order to balance the color, sometimes I find myself adding extra half a spoon of tea leaves.

step 13

After 2-3 minutes you will see the crema. It is more prevalent in narrower tea pans like this.

step 14

At this stage keep an eye on your tea because it can overflow within a wink of an eye.

step 15

Tadaa ! your awesome cup of ginger tea is ready ! Be ready to receive complements from your friends and family. Tea goes very well with biscuits and spicy mixtures.

I love having taking a tea break with my friends and family and it ALWAYS leads to fun conversations :) Enjoy and stay safe!!

Bon Appetit !